The Ninja waddled through the forest, taking every step with care. He had a dark detective coat, with a ninja mask, a red baseball cap and blue shoes. I stood as still as I could, hoping he wouldn't notice me. He was very mysterious as he had no name and he had the same blue circle as I did!
He waddled over to the Plaza and stopped right in the middle. I looked at him from behind. He sniffed something and started to waddle to the Snow Forts. What a mysterious penguin!
He bent down and made a snowball and then hid behind a fort. I didn't know what he was doing but I knew he was urging for a Snowball Fight. I didn't know if he had noticed me, but he had. He started to run, but what I didn't notice was that the Clock behind me had been switched off. Things were about to get stranger!
The ninja had threw a snowball and the clock started to repair again. Just then the whole island started to get darker and darker. My clothes illuminated in diffrent colours and everything was rocking from side to side. Something was very mysterious about this penguin, he had disappeared already. But was he really a penguin? I rushed to the Docks to get a clearer view of the sea...
...It was like a swamp! Everything had started to change colours and the island looked dreadful! I had a feeling that the Mysterious Ninja had something to do with it, as Club Penguin never changes colour. I needed to find the ninja, and fast. But where could he be? I thought of a place where ninjas lurked...
...The top secret hideout at the cove, of course! Why didn't I think of that before? I heard rustling coming from the purple trees. I took a few steps closer to find the most biggest suprise of my life! Not only was the room diffrent colours, but the room was upsidedown and shrunken (or the penguins have got bigger)!
There standing looking at a map was the Mysterious Ninja. I saw my chance and started to run up to him, but he had vanished! His map laid down on the floor, I picked it up and opened my mouth. His plans were to change the colour of the island and shrink it until it was his! I couldn't let him get away with this...
It looked like he wasn't very familiar with Club Penguin as he didn't even know The Stage existed! I'm sure he knew where the cove was, but he was starting at the plaza. I wonder why? I started to slowly waddle to The Plaza and see what was happening. I could here loud drilling noises...
He had three penguins drilling down deep into the Plaza! I couldn't believe what he was doing! He could ruin the whole of Club Penguin, without a doubt! I had to stop him, but how? I needed to distract the workers when he wasn't looking but how was I meant to stop the colours changing? Suddenly, the workers stopped and rushed to the Pizza Parlor. What luck! I jumped down the hole that they had made and fell to the floor of the Cave Mine.
...The colours were so strange yet beautiful! The rocks looked amazing and there was even a waterfall with lava! I was so amazed at everything that I forgot the whole plan! The drillers were starting to come into the room, what was I to do? They were going to dig deeper and deeper and deeper. What were they looking for? I had nowhere to go, so I decided to rush to the right of the mysterious cave...
...I was surrounded by mysterious red water, I was tempted to go further. I opened up the heavy door and swam through. There was magnificent fish. Every type, you name it! I watched jellyfish pass by as I saw a key that opened up another door! I sat by an anchor picking up the key, where did it lead to? Time to find out...
I clicked the key into position and a whole room opened up. It was an office. The office where the Mysterious Ninja worked. He had been planning this day ever since Club Penguin was made, and now his plan was working. I took a look at his files and noticed that his name was classified. I took a look at the folder...
...The door started to open. I quickly climbed up the ladder just in time as the Mysterious Ninja entered. He closed the draw that I had opened and started to climb upstairs. I was in the Dance Club! All the colours were very strange and the green puffle was purple! CLANK! CLANK! CLANK! The Ninja was about to come up! I tried to hide behind DJ3K.
Phew! He had came up, and I had teleported to the Town. I could still here flippersteps so I started to head for the Dock. I noticed that the island was starting to curve. I rushed to the Dock just in time as the Ninja stepped out of the Night Club. I still needed to save the island and get away from the Ninja! He was following me...
I rushed as far as I could over to the end of the island. This penguin had to be crazy, I didn't know what he was doing at all! I took one look at the Beach and was shocked with horror. The island was tipping! This ninja obviously wanted to spoil Club Penguin. What on earth was he doing? Changing colours, digging holes in the ground and now trying to sink it!!!
I turned my back and looked at him. He rushed up the Ski Hill, as far as he could go. I had cornered him at the edge of Club Penguin. If he went any further back, he would fall off and end up in the water. Suddenly, he vanished! What an escape! I couldn't believe my eyes...
That Mysterious Ninja had escaped! I waddled down the hill as fast as I could and waddled to the beach. I could hear grunting noises behind me, but I kept going. I needed to stop this ninja and stopping would be no help. Little did I know that the Ninja's plan was to tip the island so they could work on their latest project, digging up the Plaza! He would distract me, and then carry on completing the other half of his plan!
As soon as I found myself at the Beach, I was shocked. The mountains of crates and anvils had just sunk the island! There were thousands of anvils and it would take six days to clear it up! There were thousands of things I needed to do, but which should I do first? He sure had me distracted!
I entered the dark cave wearing only a life jacket and a wig. The mysterious ninja was not following me, yet I knew where he was. The Plaza. What else would he be doing? Hadn't he caused enough trouble already?
Wow! The maze went on forever! Clearly the ninja wanted me to get lost, but I knew I wouldn't. Through tunnels and around bends, rocks and fishes and flowers! There was so much to see! I waddled up and there I saw the finish line! But, to my surprise, I had to go all the way around the maze to get there. Those blue puffer fish really creep me out!
There were so many tropical fish all over the maze! The rocks glistened and more pathways opened up. Which way should I take? This way or that way? I could be sure that I was going to be here forever, but I wasn't going to stop until I made it.
Down I went past two giant rocks and a few more fish. The Mysterious Ninja was following me, but staying out of sight. I could hear more grunting noises and clicks here and there. Clicks that sounded like Kluzty and grunts that sounded like Herbert...
Back to the start I went. I had gone around in a big circle just to find the start again. What a waste of time! But I didn't know that there was still more to come! Grunting noises got louder and something appeared in the corner of my eye. Something very scary, but not to be worried about.
Finally, after miles of searching, I came to a statue of a penguin. This statue seemed familiar, shaped like a penguin I knew. Something spooky, very spooky. I shivered and kept on going, this time going up.
Ruins of stones and anchors sat beneath me. I don't know why, but they reminded me of pizza. In fact, I hadn't eaten for hours! I was starving for a pizza, but with my determination, I carried on going through the maze.
After long hours of going the wrong way, getting stuck in dead ends and observing the waters, I found the Finish Line! I crossed it and a whole new world opened up upon me...
It was absolutely amazing! The sights there were at this room was incredible! Even dark wholes, which seemed to be where the clicks were coming from. Then I noticed it! Kluzty and Herbert were somewhere around. But a funny feeling told me that the Mysterious Ninja had something to do with it...
I was so hungry, that as soon as I left the maze, I rushed to the dock where a feast lay. It took me a few seconds before I ate everything up. I needed more food to keep me going, but the Ninja was still working. Should I choose food or the Ninja? I chose food (how stupid.)
The ninja had got away, but things seemed alright. The island wasn't tipped anymore! The ninja would probably of been done by now, so I was heading over to take a look when I noticed noises coming from inside the Gift Shop. I opened the door and was dazzled with exciment! Time to have my hair done...
I kept on getting distracted! I had to find this ninja, straight away! But strange things were still happening. The noises got louder and louder so I waddled out of the room and followed them. Something was very strange over at the Cove. There was one very strange thing, the cove was still tipped...
As strange as it seemed, I kept following the noises. I seemed to go back around the island until I came to the Ice Rink. I found a hiding spot close to the entrance and waited. A strange figure appeared on the rink wearing some roller-skates. I looked at his face and was struck with shock...
A strange mysterious alien was making funny sounds at the Ice Rink. A mysterious ninja had changed all the colours of Club Penguin around. There was a giant whole being dug up at the Plaza. But all I could think about was food. Aliens, herbert, kluzty. He was trying to confuze me. I needed to tell the EPF about this so I headed to the Command Room...
Then I noticed something very unusual. There had been no other penguins on the island since this journey had begun, except the drillers digging at the Plaza. I wondered where they had all gone. I decided to climb up the mountains to find Sensei, not knowing that the EPF door was wide open where the Ninja could easily enter. Distractions were everywhere. But why?
All was silent except for the same strange sounds coming from the Ice Rink. I had changed my clothes to some funky fashion show itemsDojo Hideout and looked at the mysterious colours...
It was amazing! The amulet looked very odd. Fire was the colour blue and water was the colour red. The Fire Dojo looked as if it was the Water Dojo but with the fire symbol! There Sensei was standing on his familiar cushion not saying a word. I tried to speak to him, but he would not listen. He was like he was frozen, not able to move at all. Like he wanted to tell me something, but he couldn't.
I waddled through to the Water Dojo, hoping somebody would be there, but no. Just a stream of red water falling down the waterfall. Sensei was there as well, I wondered how he was at two places at once. There was nobody to talk to and nobody to help me stop the Mysterious Ninja. But the strange thing was that in the Water Dojo, the bridge was not connected...
Maybe another mascot could help me. I set off to look for Cadence, but she was not at the Dance Club. No matter where I looked, nobody was about except for that strange Green Puffle sitting on the speaker. I sat down and cried, even though I knew it wouldn't help. If only somebody was here to comfort me...
Then a wonderful thought struck me, Rockhopper! I rushed up to the Beacon and looked out of the telescope. He was coming! I couldn't believe my eyes! A penguin who was actually coming. But still there were no sounds to be made...
Rockhopper's Ship looked an awful dark colour. The clouds were black and the sea was red. If only I had someone to comfort me! Then I noticed that there was nobody upon Rockhopper's Ship. Rockhopper was not there, not even Yarr. But how could the ship be sailing, if they weren't there? STOP IT!!!
I rushed down the steps of the Beacon and back out to the Beach, everything had changed ever so quickly! Rockhopper's ship had just docked, but there was something blocking me getting on. Without anyone knowing, as nobody was there, I jumped over and looked for Rockhopper...
...The whole ship was upgraded! It looked as if somebody certainly had been here, maybe the mysterious ninja. I felt a bit sea sick as the Migrator left the Beach. WHAT? The Migrator was just starting to leave Club Penguin at about top speed over the seas out into the deep. I had no idea of where I was going and how I was going to get back! We hadn't left the island yet, but I felt movement. Sounds kept on getting louder and louder and I started to get very frustrated. I reached for the anchor, and fell in...
...Falling in the water was one of the most dreadful experiences of my life. I was cold and scared, but eventually grabbed on to the anchor and got pulled up. After hours of waiting, the ship arrived at a strange little island full of supplies. Then it hit me! I could use the cans of paint to spray colour back on the island and some of the snow to fill that giant hole in the Plaza!
What an excellent idea! Now, I just needed to find my way back without any help from anybody. But how was I meant to bring all the penguins back? I wondered where they were and then set off again on my journey. The next island I arrived on was filled with Dinosaurs. The most terrifying creatures you will ever meet! And what's worse, more smelly water and a magnificent gem to reach...
...After that terrible experience, I again set sail on Rockhopper's Ship to a strange little island named Shipwreck Island. I wonder why it is called that. Everything looked ever so bright so I thought there was no point in having a Beacon, but yet again it was in invert colours. I stopped by a warm fire and kept thinking about the plan. How would I change the colours back with the spray cans? I started to cry, everything was far too complicated, but I knew I had to carry on with the journey...
...Walking into the Hall of The Viking Lords was gruesome! The fish looked like it was a thousand years old and the Vikings were dead. Something tells me that they were here a long long time ago and never actually got to finish their feast. I felt sick in the stomach. I noticed a giant viking statue, it really creeped me out.
After the dreadful experience on Rockhopper's Ship, I finally arrived back on Club Penguin. I knew the Mysterious Ninja had something to do with it, but I had no idea of where he was. I thought about changing the colours back, it wouldn't be easy but I was glad to be back on Club Penguin. My quest had only just begun. Yet, what had the ninja done while I was gone?
...Then I had a strange thought, what if Herbert had escaped? Maybe he was floating in the sea! Kluzty came to mind, but I remember back in August that he escaped! The Mysterious Ninja could have something to do with Herbert, maybe they might team up to make teamwork!
...I started looking at the Town, but he was nowhere to be found. Something was quite strange though, one of the Club Penguin trees on the right side of the town had gone! Maybe the Mysterious Ninja was sucking them up, to make something bigger and better. All I could do was hope...
...Then I remembered! Before I left the island on Rockhopper's Ship the EPF Command Room door was left open! I rushed to the Ski Village, and it still was. Inside at the Command Room everything was changed. Somebody had got some of the EPF files from the corner and thrown some paper in the trash can. The TV Monitor had been changed and the Herbert Cam was offline...
...I thought of a place where the Ninja might be, the Plaza! But he was not to be found there, but I could use some of the supplies! I quickly used a shovel and put down a ton of snow to fill in the gigantic hole at the plaza! One step down, three to go. Change the colours back, find the Mysterious Ninja and get the citizens of Club Penguin back on the island. But it seemed strange, just digging a hole.
Suddenly, an even bigger problem arose, I was being transported to a strange little island that seemed very similar. I had been here before! Dinosaur Island, but this time I couldn't get back. I slept there for one night until I woke up in the morning as a king! But to make things worse, a dragon king. RAWR! WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO ME?
Then once again, I was teleported to a different place on Club Penguin. The Cove. There stood the Mysterious Ninja, he welcomed me and put a mask over my face. He suited me up with clothing I couldn't see and then put a mysterious spell on me. I was trapped in an invisible cage looking just like the Mysterious Ninja. I couldn't understand! Was I a penguin, a dragon or a Ninja? Everything was so complicated...
Two Ninjas, Inverted Colours, Strange Noises, Herbert missing, what else could go wrong? Time will tell...
The Mysterious Ninja disappeared leaving me left alone at the Cove as a Ninja too. What if his plan was to transform everybody into Ninjas! That would be terrible, so I decided to make a plan over at the iceberg. What should I tackle first? Changing the colours back, or finding the other penguins? I opened up a piece of map I had found earlier and looked at it while an invisible thing said hello. Ummm, awkward? What a strange opening to a story. It makes you want to Read More...
...I took no notice of the invisible thing. I had been too distracted before, and I couldn't let my guard down anymore. I looked at the map again. there were some sort of clues to it. It looked like a secret hideout, with oozing pink slime inside. Maybe some lasers too but it was hard to tell. If only I found the other parts of the ripped up map. I decided to head for the mountains as that is a good place for a hideout and quite big. I just couldn't think of where this place from this map was!
...When I reached the top of the mountains I looked for clues. Nothing seemed to be here except icicles, wood and snow. I noticed a small exit in part of the mountain and slowly approached it. I took one look inside and knew I'd found the right place! There were a ton of lasers and a safe...
But how was I meant to get across them? Was this the right place? It did seem familiar, in fact I thought for a moment that it was where Herbert was hibernated. I took each step with care and made it across without looking back. The safe was locked! I had no key, but I knew how to pick a lock. I opened it with a paperclip and was amazed...
When snow beats fire the way will open. I was really puzzled and confused at this, as there was no fire around! But then I remembered that the colours had changed so that blue must be red meaning there was fire everywhere! Where could I get snow from? A snowball! So I chucked a ton of snowballs and the path opened. A fierce dragon stood before me...
You might be wondering, wow that is so old back in 2010 but it wasn't for me, as I was from the future. And where exactly am I in the pictures? I'm nowhere to be seen, it's like I have an invisible force field. The dragon retreated as there was nothing there and I carried on with my journey. That day, I took an invisible cloak with me from the mysterious thing at the Iceberg. I knew it would come in handy! But defeating one dragon may be easy, but how about three? This invisible cloak had proved handy but will it be?

...This time I couldn't just waddle past, as there was no bridge. I was trapped. Three dragons would easily find me, but then I noticed in the far corner an actual penguin! I hadn't seen one for months! It felt like I was all alone, in fact I was truly tricked. I took off my invisible cloak so the penguin would notice me but he didn't. The dragons did though! There was really no penguin on the other side, just a fake. How stupid had I been? ZAP! I found myself in the Ski Lodge snoring away...
...How in the world had I got here? One minute I was fighting dragons and the other snoring at the Ski Lodge! I was still wearing those horrible ninja clothes, so I headed over to the Gift Shop to get some new clothes as my others were totally lost. I found some cool shades, a hoodie, a similiar sort of hair and a scarf but it just didn't look right. Atleast I didn't have to pay though :)
I looked at the calender on the wall of the Gift Shop. Today was the 1st of March. I had been on this crazy adventure since January! Three whole months of craziness, but what was this guy doing? I thought hard about what to do next, I couldn't reach the safe as I was teleported back there and I had lost the spray cans from the supplies, somehow. I started to fall asleep again. These horrible nightmares were coming back. I felt like I was in the Room of Doom. Which pathway should I choose? WHAT IS GOING ON?
Then in my dream, I had a horrible feeling that I knew where I was. Back in the kingdom of the past. I looked through a pathway and walked closer feeling a spark of light. I knew I had been here before, in another dream of mine. It seemed like they were combining together to make one dream. A clue to something, but what? I looked at the exit sign, it read Sortie. There was a knights outfit on the steps...
...Then there was a bottomless pit. I walked up the stairs and wouldn't you know it, they crumbled apart. Remember - this was only a dream. Down I fell, never reaching the bottom until I woke up. In front of me was a treasure chest containing four Card-Jitsu cards. I had no idea of what had just happened and why I had these cards. Hmm, I thought to myself about the dreams. If only I had somebody to talk to!
...Then all of a sudden, I had a thought. A very clever idea indeed. But I'd need help, and there was nobody around. But I could certainly change that. Something about my dream said something about an attic. So, I rushed out to the Attic and looked out the small window. I could see a million penguins trapped behind a gigantic rock higher than the Beacon! I just had to find a way of getting to them, if that was even possible. Time was running out and I saw the Mysterious Ninja. He looked at me with a grin and then disappeared with all the other penguins...
...I rushed down from the Attic and out into the Ski Village. Time goes so quick! In fact, it went so fast that the Puffle Party was being prepared right now! Who had prepared it? All the other penguins were trapped behind a rock, or somewhere with the Mysterious Ninja, so how come there were boxes all over the island? I thought that if I relaxed at the pool, maybe I wouldn't be so scared...
...The pool was drained up and no water was left, not even the Lifeguard Chair! I waddled through to the Mine Cave and up to the Forest. There I saw an orange box, containing many different things that nobody could see. If only I could open it up and find something! I was heading to find this gigantic rock, but where could it be? Maybe it was disguised as a puffle box.
...Things kept on getting worse, this time my name was lost! Wherever I looked, I simply just could not find my name! I looked everywhere, even the Dance Lounge where another strange mysterious box stood. I looked around and wondered if my name could be trapped inside. I opened the lid of the box and was transformed into a whole new dimension...
...Yep, you guessed it! I turned into a puffle, the most weirdest experience of my life! I was a lot smaller than as a penguin, so it made it quite easy to move around and start looking for the other penguins. I had a ton of problems on my hands, and I was about to fix one of them. Just before I turned into a penguin I had grabbed a pizza from the Parlor, this would certainly keep me going for a while...
...Now it was up to me to put things straight. I bounced all the way over to the Puffle Play Zone because I knew that it was close to where the penguins were trapped. I looked about and quickly ate an o-berrie. Suddenly, I became red with rage, I was on fire!
...I smashed through the glass in the window and yelped! I was injured badly, but I didn't need to worry about that. Right in front of my eyes, were hundreds and hundreds of penguins. I didn't know who they were but I was here to rescue them. I wondered where all my friends and family were, the other penguins didn't speak a word. I got curious and started to waddle over to them...
...Strange things kept on happening. I reached into my pocket for my EPF Spy Phone and teleported us all to the Ski Village. As soon as we got there, the penguins were filled with joy and waddled around to celebrate the Puffle Party. I was left alone as a puffle standing in the middle of the Ski Village...
...Suddenly, I had a brilliant idea on how to find the Mysterious Ninja! I would go to the Cove, because that is where you get the best signal on the island and then use a programme on my Spy Phone to find him! I didn't know what I would do after that, but my idea seemed pretty good so I went along with it not knowing that it would cause more trouble than before, I didn't even realise I had turned back into a penguin...
My signal found that the ninja was at the Snow Forts plotting something as usual. I teleported there and found a good hiding place behind a tree. Then I whispered a few words to the puffles that were throwing snowballs. Immediately, they all started throwing snowballs at the mysterious ninja until he was so covered in snow he couldn't make his way up. He was stuck underground! HURRAY! At least I thought that would get rid of him forever, but that's another story.
...I waddled over to the Dance Club thinking about my victory. The Mysterious Ninja may not be gone for all, but he was certainly gone for a while. The only thing was, I couldn't seem to find out how to change the colours back, I guess that's why a few things on the blog got changed colour! I snooped around and found a strange message saying something about meeting at the Iceberg...
...I teleported to the Iceberg and found nobody but green puffles, or pink but I could never tell with those silly different colours! I looked back at the note and started to get worried. All my problems were fixed, except the colours but what if the Mysterious Ninja would return? I waited about for anybody to turn up but nobody did except a few more puffles.
...I wished that I had known what the Mysterious Ninja was plotting. Everything had seemed fine, and it would of been for a few more months but I changed things ever so slightly. I found an old time machine back when I tested in one of G's old missions in a book I read. Then I went back to the time that Sensei had spoken to me, I'm sure he would of known what to do.
But what I didn't know was that the time machine could change my life forever. In fact, even so things were about to get a whole lot worse. This is the end of my story, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed creating it. If you have any suggestions for a new story about stuck in the past then let me know in a comment! The mysterious ninja will be returning soon, but not for long! Things are about to get a whole lot worse. Find out what happens in a new story, Stuck In The Past!
A nightmare later...
The legend said that the Shadow Ninjas would rise with their Rainbow Puffles. When everything came to an end, there was only one way out. The teleporter! There were tons of secret EPF gadgets around the island, it would be easy to get out of the dojo. Look, a field-op...
Gary told me about mysterious cream soda happenings. This could certainly involve the Mysterious Ninja! I could catch him, once and for all...
I searched at the Ski Hill. No cream soda to be found just a penguin in disguise, wait. It was, it couldn't be! The Mysterious Ninja was back...
A zoom of thunder flashed and the end of the club penguin island started to happen. Shadow Ninjas and Rainbow Puffles would soon take over the island, with the help of, WHO?
That certain special penguin was me. I was the one who had the power, with one item of my choice. I realised, that I hadn't been keeping track of time and it was my birthday! The Mysterious Ninja had sent me a message saying Happy Birthday! I'm sure he was being sarcastic.
I was stuck in the past, there were lots of Shadow Ninjas and Rainbow Puffles, I was the special penguin, it was my birthday, I had to choose one item. The item I picked was a shining sword, then I turned blue wearing my super special grey belt and released the power...
...The power of Club Penguin was in my hands. I had control over every single penguin on the island. With one whistle, everything could change! I realised I was in the past, then stopped. What if this effected myself? This was too much for me to take in. Everything that had happened, fighting the Mysterious Ninja, becoming a Shadow Ninja, finding power, taking over the world. What was happening to me? The lasers went high into the sky, I dropped my sword and it fell into the ocean and the whole world collapsed around me. I woke up straight after this. I was terrified that the ninja would come to haunt me again. If only, but no. I would be fine, but not for long!