Hi there, penguin pals! As you know, we are starting a new series called "TCPL Comics". Yes, I know, it sounds boring. Why can't it have an actual name with the same characters every time? Yes, I know that is how most comic series started, but I thought it would be unique to have different characters in each comic, maybe every once and a while one would return. Anyways, the very first issue has been released, and Echo and I like it! I call it "The Dumb Girl". Here it is:
Yes, I know, it wasn't the best. But this is just the first issue, so this series will get better throughout the different issues. Anyways, maybe you do like it! Just tell us, did you enjoy? What would you like in the next issue? Was something too boring? We always are happy to reply to comments, so just leave one below!
I like it, but I think you should cover up the name for the girl.